Source code for funsor.cnf

# Copyright Contributors to the Pyro project.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

import functools
import itertools
from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
from functools import reduce
from typing import Tuple, Union

import opt_einsum
from multipledispatch.variadic import Variadic

import funsor.ops as ops
from funsor.affine import affine_inputs
from import Delta
from import find_domain
from funsor.gaussian import Gaussian
from funsor.interpreter import interpretation, recursion_reinterpret
from funsor.ops import DISTRIBUTIVE_OPS, AssociativeOp, NullOp, nullop
from funsor.tensor import Tensor
from funsor.terms import (
from funsor.util import broadcast_shape, get_backend, quote

[docs]class Contraction(Funsor): """ Declarative representation of a finitary sum-product operation. After normalization via the :func:`~funsor.terms.normalize` interpretation contractions will canonically order their terms by type:: Delta, Number, Tensor, Gaussian """ def __init__(self, red_op, bin_op, reduced_vars, terms): terms = (terms,) if isinstance(terms, Funsor) else terms assert isinstance(red_op, AssociativeOp) assert isinstance(bin_op, AssociativeOp) assert all(isinstance(v, Funsor) for v in terms) assert isinstance(reduced_vars, frozenset) assert all(isinstance(v, str) for v in reduced_vars) assert isinstance(terms, tuple) and len(terms) > 0 assert not (isinstance(red_op, NullOp) and isinstance(bin_op, NullOp)) if isinstance(red_op, NullOp): assert not reduced_vars elif isinstance(bin_op, NullOp): assert len(terms) == 1 else: assert reduced_vars and len(terms) > 1 assert (red_op, bin_op) in DISTRIBUTIVE_OPS inputs = OrderedDict() for v in terms: inputs.update((k, d) for k, d in v.inputs.items() if k not in reduced_vars) if bin_op is nullop: output = terms[0].output else: output = reduce(lambda lhs, rhs: find_domain(bin_op, lhs, rhs), [v.output for v in reversed(terms)]) fresh = frozenset() bound = reduced_vars super(Contraction, self).__init__(inputs, output, fresh, bound) self.red_op = red_op self.bin_op = bin_op self.terms = terms self.reduced_vars = reduced_vars
[docs] def unscaled_sample(self, sampled_vars, sample_inputs, rng_key=None): sampled_vars = sampled_vars.intersection(self.inputs) if not sampled_vars: return self if self.red_op in (ops.logaddexp, nullop): if self.bin_op in (ops.nullop, ops.logaddexp): if rng_key is not None and get_backend() == "jax": import jax rng_keys = jax.random.split(rng_key, len(self.terms)) else: rng_keys = [None] * len(self.terms) # Design choice: we sample over logaddexp reductions, but leave logaddexp # binary choices symbolic. terms = [ term.unscaled_sample(sampled_vars.intersection(term.inputs), sample_inputs) for term, rng_key in zip(self.terms, rng_keys)] return Contraction(self.red_op, self.bin_op, self.reduced_vars, *terms) if self.bin_op is ops.add: if rng_key is not None and get_backend() == "jax": import jax rng_keys = jax.random.split(rng_key) else: rng_keys = [None] * 2 # Sample variables greedily in order of the terms in which they appear. for term in self.terms: greedy_vars = sampled_vars.intersection(term.inputs) if greedy_vars: break greedy_terms, terms = [], [] for term in self.terms: (terms if greedy_vars.isdisjoint(term.inputs) else greedy_terms).append(term) if len(greedy_terms) == 1: term = greedy_terms[0] terms.append(term.unscaled_sample(greedy_vars, sample_inputs, rng_keys[0])) result = Contraction(self.red_op, self.bin_op, self.reduced_vars, *terms) elif (len(greedy_terms) == 2 and isinstance(greedy_terms[0], Tensor) and isinstance(greedy_terms[1], Gaussian)): discrete, gaussian = greedy_terms term = discrete + gaussian.log_normalizer terms.append(gaussian) terms.append(-gaussian.log_normalizer) terms.append(term.unscaled_sample(greedy_vars, sample_inputs, rng_keys[0])) result = Contraction(self.red_op, self.bin_op, self.reduced_vars, *terms) else: raise NotImplementedError('Unhandled case: {}'.format( ', '.join(str(type(t)) for t in greedy_terms))) return result.unscaled_sample(sampled_vars - greedy_vars, sample_inputs, rng_keys[1]) raise TypeError("Cannot sample through ops ({}, {})".format(self.red_op, self.bin_op))
[docs] def align(self, names): assert isinstance(names, tuple) assert all(name in self.inputs for name in names) new_terms = tuple(t.align(tuple(n for n in names if n in t.inputs)) for t in self.terms) result = Contraction(self.red_op, self.bin_op, self.reduced_vars, *new_terms) if not names == tuple(result.inputs): return Align(result, names) # raise NotImplementedError("TODO align all terms") return result
def _alpha_convert(self, alpha_subs): reduced_vars = frozenset(alpha_subs.get(k, k) for k in self.reduced_vars) bound_types = {} for term in self.terms: bound_types.update({k: term.inputs[k] for k in self.bound.intersection(term.inputs)}) alpha_subs = {k: to_funsor(v, bound_types[k]) for k, v in alpha_subs.items()} red_op, bin_op, _, terms = super()._alpha_convert(alpha_subs) return red_op, bin_op, reduced_vars, terms
GaussianMixture = Contraction[Union[ops.LogAddExpOp, NullOp], ops.AddOp, frozenset, Tuple[Union[Tensor, Number], Gaussian]] @quote.register(Contraction) def _(arg, indent, out): line = "{}({}, {},".format( type(arg).__name__, repr(arg.red_op), repr(arg.bin_op)) out.append((indent, line)) quote.inplace(arg.reduced_vars, indent + 1, out) i, line = out[-1] out[-1] = i, line + "," quote.inplace(arg.terms, indent + 1, out) i, line = out[-1] out[-1] = i, line + ")"
[docs]@recursion_reinterpret.register(Contraction) def recursion_reinterpret_contraction(x): return type(x)(*map(recursion_reinterpret, (x.red_op, x.bin_op, x.reduced_vars) + x.terms))
[docs]@eager.register(Contraction, AssociativeOp, AssociativeOp, frozenset, Variadic[Funsor]) def eager_contraction_generic_to_tuple(red_op, bin_op, reduced_vars, *terms): return eager(Contraction, red_op, bin_op, reduced_vars, terms)
[docs]@eager.register(Contraction, AssociativeOp, AssociativeOp, frozenset, tuple) def eager_contraction_generic_recursive(red_op, bin_op, reduced_vars, terms): # push down leaf reductions terms, reduced_vars, leaf_reduced = list(terms), frozenset(reduced_vars), False for i, v in enumerate(terms): unique_vars = reduced_vars.intersection(v.inputs) - \ frozenset().union(*(reduced_vars.intersection(vv.inputs) for vv in terms if vv is not v)) if unique_vars: result = v.reduce(red_op, unique_vars) if result is not normalize(Contraction, red_op, nullop, unique_vars, (v,)): terms[i] = result reduced_vars -= unique_vars leaf_reduced = True if leaf_reduced: return Contraction(red_op, bin_op, reduced_vars, *terms) # exploit associativity to recursively evaluate this contraction # a bit expensive, but handles interpreter-imposed directionality constraints terms = tuple(terms) for i, lhs in enumerate(terms[0:-1]): for j_, rhs in enumerate(terms[i+1:]): j = i + j_ + 1 unique_vars = reduced_vars.intersection(lhs.inputs, rhs.inputs) - \ frozenset().union(*(reduced_vars.intersection(vv.inputs) for vv in terms[:i] + terms[i+1:j] + terms[j+1:])) result = Contraction(red_op, bin_op, unique_vars, lhs, rhs) if result is not normalize(Contraction, red_op, bin_op, unique_vars, (lhs, rhs)): # did we make progress? # pick the first evaluable pair reduced_vars -= unique_vars new_terms = terms[:i] + (result,) + terms[i+1:j] + terms[j+1:] return Contraction(red_op, bin_op, reduced_vars, *new_terms) return None
[docs]@eager.register(Contraction, AssociativeOp, AssociativeOp, frozenset, Funsor) def eager_contraction_to_reduce(red_op, bin_op, reduced_vars, term): args = red_op, term, reduced_vars return eager.dispatch(Reduce, *args)(*args)
[docs]@eager.register(Contraction, AssociativeOp, AssociativeOp, frozenset, Funsor, Funsor) def eager_contraction_to_binary(red_op, bin_op, reduced_vars, lhs, rhs): if reduced_vars - (reduced_vars.intersection(lhs.inputs, rhs.inputs)): args = red_op, bin_op, reduced_vars, (lhs, rhs) result = eager.dispatch(Contraction, *args)(*args) if result is not None: return result args = bin_op, lhs, rhs result = eager.dispatch(Binary, *args)(*args) if result is not None and reduced_vars: args = red_op, result, reduced_vars result = eager.dispatch(Reduce, *args)(*args) return result
@eager.register(Contraction, ops.AddOp, ops.MulOp, frozenset, Tensor, Tensor) def eager_contraction_tensor(red_op, bin_op, reduced_vars, *terms): if not all(term.dtype == "real" for term in terms): raise NotImplementedError('TODO') backend = BACKEND_TO_EINSUM_BACKEND[get_backend()] return _eager_contract_tensors(reduced_vars, terms, backend=backend)
[docs]@eager.register(Contraction, ops.LogAddExpOp, ops.AddOp, frozenset, Tensor, Tensor) def eager_contraction_tensor(red_op, bin_op, reduced_vars, *terms): if not all(term.dtype == "real" for term in terms): raise NotImplementedError('TODO') backend = BACKEND_TO_LOGSUMEXP_BACKEND[get_backend()] return _eager_contract_tensors(reduced_vars, terms, backend=backend)
# TODO Consider using this for more than binary contractions. def _eager_contract_tensors(reduced_vars, terms, backend): iter_symbols = map(opt_einsum.get_symbol, itertools.count()) symbols = defaultdict(functools.partial(next, iter_symbols)) inputs = OrderedDict() einsum_inputs = [] operands = [] for term in terms: inputs.update(term.inputs) einsum_inputs.append("".join(symbols[k] for k in term.inputs) + "".join(symbols[i - len(term.shape)] for i, size in enumerate(term.shape) if size != 1)) # Squeeze absent event dims to be compatible with einsum. data = batch_shape = data.shape[:len(data.shape) - len(term.shape)] event_shape = tuple(size for size in term.shape if size != 1) data = data.reshape(batch_shape + event_shape) operands.append(data) for k in reduced_vars: del inputs[k] batch_shape = tuple(v.size for v in inputs.values()) event_shape = broadcast_shape(*(term.shape for term in terms)) einsum_output = ("".join(symbols[k] for k in inputs) + "".join(symbols[dim] for dim in range(-len(event_shape), 0) if dim in symbols)) equation = ",".join(einsum_inputs) + "->" + einsum_output data = opt_einsum.contract(equation, *operands, backend=backend) data = data.reshape(batch_shape + event_shape) return Tensor(data, inputs) # TODO( Use a port of # Pyro's gaussian_tensordot() here. Until then we must eagerly add the # possibly-rank-deficient terms before reducing to avoid Cholesky errors.
[docs]@eager.register(Contraction, ops.LogAddExpOp, ops.AddOp, frozenset, GaussianMixture, GaussianMixture) def eager_contraction_gaussian(red_op, bin_op, reduced_vars, x, y): return (x + y).reduce(red_op, reduced_vars)
@affine_inputs.register(Contraction) def _(fn): with interpretation(reflect): flat = reduce(fn.bin_op, fn.terms).reduce(fn.red_op, fn.reduced_vars) return affine_inputs(flat) ########################################## # Normalizing Contractions ########################################## ORDERING = {Delta: 1, Number: 2, Tensor: 3, Gaussian: 4} GROUND_TERMS = tuple(ORDERING)
[docs]@normalize.register(Contraction, AssociativeOp, ops.AddOp, frozenset, GROUND_TERMS, GROUND_TERMS) def normalize_contraction_commutative_canonical_order(red_op, bin_op, reduced_vars, *terms): # when bin_op is commutative, put terms into a canonical order for pattern matching new_terms = tuple( v for i, v in sorted(enumerate(terms), key=lambda t: (ORDERING.get(type(t[1]).__origin__, -1), t[0])) ) if any(v is not vv for v, vv in zip(terms, new_terms)): return Contraction(red_op, bin_op, reduced_vars, *new_terms) return normalize(Contraction, red_op, bin_op, reduced_vars, new_terms)
@normalize.register(Contraction, AssociativeOp, ops.AddOp, frozenset, GaussianMixture, GROUND_TERMS) def normalize_contraction_commute_joint(red_op, bin_op, reduced_vars, mixture, other): return Contraction(mixture.red_op if red_op is nullop else red_op, bin_op, reduced_vars | mixture.reduced_vars, *(mixture.terms + (other,)))
[docs]@normalize.register(Contraction, AssociativeOp, ops.AddOp, frozenset, GROUND_TERMS, GaussianMixture) def normalize_contraction_commute_joint(red_op, bin_op, reduced_vars, other, mixture): return Contraction(mixture.red_op if red_op is nullop else red_op, bin_op, reduced_vars | mixture.reduced_vars, *(mixture.terms + (other,)))
[docs]@normalize.register(Contraction, AssociativeOp, AssociativeOp, frozenset, Variadic[Funsor]) def normalize_contraction_generic_args(red_op, bin_op, reduced_vars, *terms): return normalize(Contraction, red_op, bin_op, reduced_vars, tuple(terms))
[docs]@normalize.register(Contraction, NullOp, NullOp, frozenset, Funsor) def normalize_trivial(red_op, bin_op, reduced_vars, term): assert not reduced_vars return term
[docs]@normalize.register(Contraction, AssociativeOp, AssociativeOp, frozenset, tuple) def normalize_contraction_generic_tuple(red_op, bin_op, reduced_vars, terms): if not reduced_vars and red_op is not nullop: return Contraction(nullop, bin_op, reduced_vars, *terms) if len(terms) == 1 and bin_op is not nullop: return Contraction(red_op, nullop, reduced_vars, *terms) if red_op is nullop and bin_op is nullop: return terms[0] if red_op is bin_op: new_terms = tuple(v.reduce(red_op, reduced_vars) for v in terms) return Contraction(red_op, bin_op, frozenset(), *new_terms) if bin_op in ops.UNITS and any(isinstance(t, Number) and == ops.UNITS[bin_op] for t in terms): new_terms = tuple(t for t in terms if not (isinstance(t, Number) and == ops.UNITS[bin_op])) if not new_terms: # everything was a unit new_terms = (terms[0],) return Contraction(red_op, bin_op, reduced_vars, *new_terms) for i, v in enumerate(terms): if not isinstance(v, Contraction): continue # fuse operations without distributing if (v.red_op is nullop and bin_op is v.bin_op) or \ (bin_op is nullop and v.red_op in (red_op, nullop)): red_op = v.red_op if red_op is nullop else red_op bin_op = v.bin_op if bin_op is nullop else bin_op new_terms = terms[:i] + v.terms + terms[i+1:] return Contraction(red_op, bin_op, reduced_vars | v.reduced_vars, *new_terms) # nothing more to do, reflect return None
######################################### # Creating Contractions from other terms #########################################
[docs]@normalize.register(Binary, AssociativeOp, Funsor, Funsor) def binary_to_contract(op, lhs, rhs): return Contraction(nullop, op, frozenset(), lhs, rhs)
[docs]@normalize.register(Reduce, AssociativeOp, Funsor, frozenset) def reduce_funsor(op, arg, reduced_vars): return Contraction(op, nullop, reduced_vars, arg)
[docs]@normalize.register(Unary, ops.NegOp, (Variable, Contraction[ops.AssociativeOp, ops.MulOp, frozenset, tuple])) def unary_neg_variable(op, arg): return arg * -1
####################################################################### # Distributing Unary transformations (Subs, log, exp, neg, reciprocal) #######################################################################
[docs]@normalize.register(Subs, Funsor, tuple) def do_fresh_subs(arg, subs): if not subs: return arg if all(name in arg.fresh for name, sub in subs): return arg.eager_subs(subs) return None
[docs]@normalize.register(Subs, Contraction, tuple) def distribute_subs_contraction(arg, subs): new_terms = tuple(Subs(v, tuple((name, sub) for name, sub in subs if name in v.inputs)) if any(name in v.inputs for name, sub in subs) else v for v in arg.terms) return Contraction(arg.red_op, arg.bin_op, arg.reduced_vars, *new_terms)
[docs]@normalize.register(Subs, Subs, tuple) def normalize_fuse_subs(arg, subs): # a(b)(c) -> a(b(c), c) arg_subs = tuple(arg.subs.items()) if isinstance(arg.subs, OrderedDict) else arg.subs new_subs = subs + tuple((k, Subs(v, subs)) for k, v in arg_subs) return Subs(arg.arg, new_subs)
[docs]@normalize.register(Binary, ops.SubOp, Funsor, Funsor) def binary_subtract(op, lhs, rhs): return lhs + -rhs
[docs]@normalize.register(Binary, ops.DivOp, Funsor, Funsor) def binary_divide(op, lhs, rhs): return lhs * Unary(ops.reciprocal, rhs)
[docs]@normalize.register(Unary, ops.ExpOp, Unary[ops.LogOp, Funsor]) @normalize.register(Unary, ops.LogOp, Unary[ops.ExpOp, Funsor]) @normalize.register(Unary, ops.NegOp, Unary[ops.NegOp, Funsor]) @normalize.register(Unary, ops.ReciprocalOp, Unary[ops.ReciprocalOp, Funsor]) def unary_log_exp(op, arg): return arg.arg
[docs]@normalize.register(Unary, ops.ReciprocalOp, Contraction[NullOp, ops.MulOp, frozenset, tuple]) @normalize.register(Unary, ops.NegOp, Contraction[NullOp, ops.AddOp, frozenset, tuple]) def unary_contract(op, arg): return Contraction(arg.red_op, arg.bin_op, arg.reduced_vars, *(op(t) for t in arg.terms))
BACKEND_TO_EINSUM_BACKEND = { "numpy": "numpy", "torch": "torch", "jax": "jax.numpy", } # NB: numpy_log, numpy_map is backend-agnostic so they also work for torch backend; # however, we might need to profile to make a switch BACKEND_TO_LOGSUMEXP_BACKEND = { "numpy": "funsor.einsum.numpy_log", "torch": "pyro.ops.einsum.torch_log", "jax": "funsor.einsum.numpy_log", } BACKEND_TO_MAP_BACKEND = { "numpy": "funsor.einsum.numpy_map", "torch": "pyro.ops.einsum.torch_map", "jax": "funsor.einsum.numpy_map", }