Source code for funsor.joint

# Copyright Contributors to the Pyro project.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

import math
from collections import OrderedDict
from functools import reduce
from typing import Tuple, Union

from multipledispatch import dispatch
from multipledispatch.variadic import Variadic

import funsor.ops as ops
from funsor.cnf import Contraction, GaussianMixture
from import Delta
from import Bint
from funsor.gaussian import Gaussian, align_gaussian
from funsor.ops import AssociativeOp
from funsor.tensor import Tensor, align_tensor
from funsor.terms import Funsor, Independent, Number, Reduce, Unary, eager, moment_matching, normalize

@dispatch(str, str, Variadic[(Gaussian, GaussianMixture)])
def eager_cat_homogeneous(name, part_name, *parts):
    assert parts
    output = parts[0].output
    inputs = OrderedDict([(part_name, None)])
    for part in parts:
        assert part.output == output
        assert part_name in part.inputs

    int_inputs = OrderedDict((k, v) for k, v in inputs.items() if v.dtype != "real")
    real_inputs = OrderedDict((k, v) for k, v in inputs.items() if v.dtype == "real")
    inputs = int_inputs.copy()
    discretes = []
    info_vecs = []
    precisions = []
    for part in parts:
        inputs[part_name] = part.inputs[part_name]
        int_inputs[part_name] = inputs[part_name]
        shape = tuple(d.size for d in int_inputs.values())
        if isinstance(part, Gaussian):
            discrete = None
            gaussian = part
        elif issubclass(type(part), GaussianMixture):  # TODO figure out why isinstance isn't working
            discrete, gaussian = part.terms[0], part.terms[1]
            discrete = ops.expand(align_tensor(int_inputs, discrete), shape)
            raise NotImplementedError("TODO")
        info_vec, precision = align_gaussian(inputs, gaussian)
        info_vecs.append(ops.expand(info_vec, shape + (-1,)))
        precisions.append(ops.expand(precision, shape + (-1, -1)))
    if part_name != name:
        del inputs[part_name]
        del int_inputs[part_name]

    dim = 0
    info_vec =, *info_vecs)
    precision =, *precisions)
    inputs[name] = Bint[info_vec.shape[dim]]
    int_inputs[name] = inputs[name]
    result = Gaussian(info_vec, precision, inputs)
    if any(d is not None for d in discretes):
        for i, d in enumerate(discretes):
            if d is None:
                discretes[i] = ops.new_zeros(info_vecs[i], info_vecs[i].shape[:-1])
        discrete =, *discretes)
        result = result + Tensor(discrete, int_inputs)
    return result

# patterns for moment-matching

[docs]@moment_matching.register(Contraction, AssociativeOp, AssociativeOp, frozenset, Variadic[object]) def moment_matching_contract_default(*args): return None
[docs]@moment_matching.register(Contraction, ops.LogaddexpOp, ops.AddOp, frozenset, (Number, Tensor), Gaussian) def moment_matching_contract_joint(red_op, bin_op, reduced_vars, discrete, gaussian): approx_vars = frozenset(v for v in reduced_vars if in gaussian.inputs if v.dtype != 'real') exact_vars = reduced_vars - approx_vars if exact_vars and approx_vars: return Contraction(red_op, bin_op, exact_vars, discrete, gaussian).reduce(red_op, approx_vars) if approx_vars and not exact_vars: discrete += gaussian.log_normalizer new_discrete = discrete.reduce(ops.logaddexp, approx_vars & discrete.input_vars) new_discrete = discrete.reduce(ops.logaddexp, approx_vars & discrete.input_vars) num_elements = reduce(ops.mul, [gaussian.inputs[].num_elements for v in approx_vars - discrete.input_vars], 1) if num_elements != 1: new_discrete -= math.log(num_elements) int_inputs = OrderedDict((k, d) for k, d in gaussian.inputs.items() if d.dtype != 'real') probs = (discrete - new_discrete.clamp_finite()).exp() old_loc = Tensor(ops.cholesky_solve(ops.unsqueeze(gaussian.info_vec, -1), gaussian._precision_chol).squeeze(-1), int_inputs) new_loc = (probs * old_loc).reduce(ops.add, approx_vars) old_cov = Tensor(ops.cholesky_inverse(gaussian._precision_chol), int_inputs) diff = old_loc - new_loc outers = Tensor(ops.unsqueeze(, -1) * ops.unsqueeze(, -2), diff.inputs) new_cov = ((probs * old_cov).reduce(ops.add, approx_vars) + (probs * outers).reduce(ops.add, approx_vars)) # Numerically stabilize by adding bogus precision to empty components. total = probs.reduce(ops.add, approx_vars) mask = ops.unsqueeze(ops.unsqueeze(( == 0), -1), -1) = + mask * ops.new_eye(,[-1:]) new_precision = Tensor(ops.cholesky_inverse(ops.cholesky(, new_cov.inputs) new_info_vec = ( @ ops.unsqueeze(, -1)).squeeze(-1) new_inputs = new_loc.inputs.copy() new_inputs.update((k, d) for k, d in gaussian.inputs.items() if d.dtype == 'real') new_gaussian = Gaussian(new_info_vec,, new_inputs) new_discrete -= new_gaussian.log_normalizer return new_discrete + new_gaussian return None
#################################################### # Patterns for normalizing ####################################################
[docs]@eager.register(Reduce, ops.AddOp, Unary[ops.ExpOp, Funsor], frozenset) def eager_reduce_exp(op, arg, reduced_vars): # x.exp().reduce(ops.add) == x.reduce(ops.logaddexp).exp() log_result = arg.arg.reduce(ops.logaddexp, reduced_vars) if log_result is not normalize(Reduce, ops.logaddexp, arg.arg, reduced_vars): return log_result.exp() return None
[docs]@eager.register(Independent, (Contraction[ops.NullOp, ops.AddOp, frozenset, Tuple[Delta, Union[Number, Tensor], Gaussian]], Contraction[ops.NullOp, ops.AddOp, frozenset, Tuple[Delta, Union[Number, Tensor, Gaussian]]]), str, str, str) def eager_independent_joint(joint, reals_var, bint_var, diag_var): if diag_var not in joint.terms[0].fresh: return None delta = Independent(joint.terms[0], reals_var, bint_var, diag_var) new_terms = (delta,) + tuple(t.reduce(ops.add, bint_var) for t in joint.terms[1:]) return reduce(joint.bin_op, new_terms)