Source code for funsor.tensor

# Copyright Contributors to the Pyro project.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

import functools
import itertools
import typing
import warnings
from collections import Counter, OrderedDict
from contextlib import contextmanager
from functools import reduce

import numpy as np
import opt_einsum
from multipledispatch import dispatch
from multipledispatch.variadic import Variadic

import funsor
import funsor.ops as ops
from import Delta
from import Array, ArrayType, Bint, Product, Real, Reals, find_domain
from funsor.ops import GetitemOp, MatmulOp, Op, ReshapeOp
from funsor.terms import (
from funsor.util import get_backend, get_tracing_state, getargspec, is_nn_module, quote

def get_default_prototype():
    backend = get_backend()
    if backend == "torch":
        import torch

        return torch.tensor([])
        return np.array([])

def numeric_array(x, dtype=None, device=None):
    backend = get_backend()
    if backend == "torch":
        import torch

        return torch.tensor(x, dtype=dtype, device=device)
        return np.array(x, dtype=dtype)

def dummy_numeric_array(domain):
    value = 0.1 if domain.dtype == 'real' else 1
    return ops.expand(numeric_array(value), domain.shape) if domain.shape else value

def _nameof(fn):
    return getattr(fn, '__name__', type(fn).__name__)

[docs]@contextmanager def ignore_jit_warnings(): with warnings.catch_warnings(): if get_backend() == "torch": import torch warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=torch.jit.TracerWarning) yield
class TensorMeta(FunsorMeta): """ Wrapper to fill in default args and convert between OrderedDict and tuple. """ def __call__(cls, data, inputs=None, dtype="real"): if inputs is None: inputs = tuple() elif isinstance(inputs, OrderedDict): inputs = tuple(inputs.items()) # XXX: memoize tests fail for np.generic because those scalar values are hashable? # it seems that there is no harm with the conversion generic -> ndarray here if isinstance(data, np.generic): data = data.__array__() return super(TensorMeta, cls).__call__(data, inputs, dtype)
[docs]class Tensor(Funsor, metaclass=TensorMeta): """ Funsor backed by a PyTorch Tensor or a NumPy ndarray. This follows the :mod:`torch.distributions` convention of arranging named "batch" dimensions on the left and remaining "event" dimensions on the right. The output shape is determined by all remaining dims. For example:: data = torch.zeros(5,4,3,2) x = Tensor(data, OrderedDict([("i", Bint[5]), ("j", Bint[4])])) assert x.output == Reals[3, 2] Operators like ``matmul`` and ``.sum()`` operate only on the output shape, and will not change the named inputs. :param numeric_array data: A PyTorch tensor or NumPy ndarray. :param OrderedDict inputs: An optional mapping from input name (str) to datatype (````). Defaults to empty. :param dtype: optional output datatype. Defaults to "real". :type dtype: int or the string "real". """ def __init__(self, data, inputs=None, dtype="real"): assert ops.is_numeric_array(data) assert isinstance(inputs, tuple) if not get_tracing_state(): assert len(inputs) <= len(data.shape) for (k, d), size in zip(inputs, data.shape): assert d.dtype == size inputs = OrderedDict(inputs) output = Array[dtype, data.shape[len(inputs):]] fresh = frozenset(inputs.keys()) bound = {} super(Tensor, self).__init__(inputs, output, fresh, bound) = data def __repr__(self): if self.output != "real": return 'Tensor({}, {}, {})'.format(, self.inputs, repr(self.dtype)) elif self.inputs: return 'Tensor({}, {})'.format(, self.inputs) else: return 'Tensor({})'.format( def __str__(self): if self.dtype != "real": return 'Tensor({}, {}, {})'.format(, self.inputs, repr(self.dtype)) elif self.inputs: return 'Tensor({}, {})'.format(, self.inputs) else: return str( def __int__(self): return int( def __float__(self): return float( def __bool__(self): return bool(
[docs] def item(self): return
[docs] def clamp_finite(self): finfo = ops.finfo( data = ops.clamp(, finfo.min, finfo.max) return Tensor(data, self.inputs, self.dtype)
@property def requires_grad(self): # NB: numpy does not have attribute requires_grad return getattr(, "requires_grad", None)
[docs] def align(self, names): assert isinstance(names, tuple) assert all(name in self.inputs for name in names) if not names or names == tuple(self.inputs): return self inputs = OrderedDict((name, self.inputs[name]) for name in names) inputs.update(self.inputs) old_dims = tuple(self.inputs) new_dims = tuple(inputs) permutation = tuple(old_dims.index(d) for d in new_dims) permutation = permutation + tuple(range(len(permutation), len(permutation) + len(self.output.shape))) data = ops.permute(, permutation) return Tensor(data, inputs, self.dtype)
[docs] def eager_subs(self, subs): assert isinstance(subs, tuple) subs = OrderedDict((k, to_funsor(v, self.inputs[k])) for k, v in subs if k in self.inputs) if not subs: return self # Handle diagonal variable substitution var_counts = Counter(v for v in subs.values() if isinstance(v, Variable)) subs = OrderedDict((k, self.materialize(v) if var_counts[v] > 1 else v) for k, v in subs.items()) # Handle renaming to enable cons hashing, and # handle slicing to avoid copying data. if any(isinstance(v, (Variable, Slice)) for v in subs.values()): slices = None inputs = OrderedDict() for i, (k, d) in enumerate(self.inputs.items()): if k in subs: v = subs[k] if isinstance(v, Variable): del subs[k] k = elif isinstance(v, Slice): del subs[k] k = d = v.inputs[] if slices is None: slices = [slice(None)] * len( slices[i] = v.slice inputs[k] = d data =[tuple(slices)] if slices else result = Tensor(data, inputs, self.dtype) return result.eager_subs(tuple(subs.items())) # materialize after checking for renaming case subs = OrderedDict((k, self.materialize(v)) for k, v in subs.items()) # Compute result shapes. inputs = OrderedDict() for k, domain in self.inputs.items(): if k in subs: inputs.update(subs[k].inputs) else: inputs[k] = domain # Construct a dict with each input's positional dim, # counting from the right so as to support broadcasting. total_size = len(inputs) + len(self.output.shape) # Assumes only scalar indices. new_dims = {} for k, domain in inputs.items(): assert not domain.shape new_dims[k] = len(new_dims) - total_size # Use advanced indexing to construct a simultaneous substitution. index = [] for k, domain in self.inputs.items(): if k in subs: v = subs.get(k) if isinstance(v, Number): index.append(int( else: # Permute and expand to end up at new_dims. assert isinstance(v, Tensor) v = v.align(tuple(k2 for k2 in inputs if k2 in v.inputs)) assert isinstance(v, Tensor) v_shape = [1] * total_size for k2, size in zip(v.inputs, v_shape[new_dims[k2]] = size index.append( else: # Construct a [:] slice for this preserved input. offset_from_right = -1 - new_dims[k] index.append(ops.new_arange(, domain.dtype).reshape( (-1,) + (1,) * offset_from_right)) # Construct a [:] slice for the output. for i, size in enumerate(self.output.shape): offset_from_right = len(self.output.shape) - i - 1 index.append(ops.new_arange(, size).reshape( (-1,) + (1,) * offset_from_right)) data =[tuple(index)] return Tensor(data, inputs, self.dtype)
[docs] def eager_unary(self, op): dtype = find_domain(op, self.output).dtype if op in REDUCE_OP_TO_NUMERIC: batch_dim = len( - len(self.output.shape) data =[:batch_dim] + (-1,)) data = REDUCE_OP_TO_NUMERIC[op](data, -1) return Tensor(data, self.inputs, dtype) return Tensor(op(, self.inputs, dtype)
[docs] def eager_reduce(self, op, reduced_vars): if op in REDUCE_OP_TO_NUMERIC: numeric_op = REDUCE_OP_TO_NUMERIC[op] assert isinstance(reduced_vars, frozenset) self_vars = frozenset(self.inputs) reduced_vars = reduced_vars & self_vars if reduced_vars == self_vars and not self.output.shape: return Tensor(numeric_op(, None), dtype=self.dtype) # Reduce one dim at a time. data = offset = 0 for k, domain in self.inputs.items(): if k in reduced_vars: assert not domain.shape data = numeric_op(data, offset) else: offset += 1 inputs = OrderedDict((k, v) for k, v in self.inputs.items() if k not in reduced_vars) return Tensor(data, inputs, self.dtype) return super(Tensor, self).eager_reduce(op, reduced_vars)
[docs] def unscaled_sample(self, sampled_vars, sample_inputs, rng_key=None): assert self.output == Real sampled_vars = sampled_vars.intersection(self.inputs) if not sampled_vars: return self # Partition inputs into sample_inputs + batch_inputs + event_inputs. sample_inputs = OrderedDict((k, d) for k, d in sample_inputs.items() if k not in self.inputs) sample_shape = tuple(int(d.dtype) for d in sample_inputs.values()) batch_inputs = OrderedDict((k, d) for k, d in self.inputs.items() if k not in sampled_vars) event_inputs = OrderedDict((k, d) for k, d in self.inputs.items() if k in sampled_vars) be_inputs = batch_inputs.copy() be_inputs.update(event_inputs) sb_inputs = sample_inputs.copy() sb_inputs.update(batch_inputs) # Sample all variables in a single Categorical call. logits = align_tensor(be_inputs, self) batch_shape = logits.shape[:len(batch_inputs)] flat_logits = logits.reshape(batch_shape + (-1,)) sample_shape = tuple(d.dtype for d in sample_inputs.values()) backend = get_backend() if backend != "numpy": from importlib import import_module dist = import_module(funsor.distribution.BACKEND_TO_DISTRIBUTIONS_BACKEND[backend]) sample_args = (sample_shape,) if rng_key is None else (rng_key, sample_shape) flat_sample = dist.CategoricalLogits.dist_class(logits=flat_logits).sample(*sample_args) else: # default numpy backend assert backend == "numpy" shape = sample_shape + flat_logits.shape[:-1] logit_max = np.amax(flat_logits, -1, keepdims=True) probs = np.exp(flat_logits - logit_max) probs = probs / np.sum(probs, -1, keepdims=True) s = np.cumsum(probs, -1) r = np.random.rand(*shape) flat_sample = np.sum(s < np.expand_dims(r, -1), axis=-1) assert flat_sample.shape == sample_shape + batch_shape results = [] mod_sample = flat_sample for name, domain in reversed(list(event_inputs.items())): size = domain.dtype point = Tensor(mod_sample % size, sb_inputs, size) mod_sample = mod_sample // size results.append(Delta(name, point)) # Account for the log normalizer factor. # Derivation: Let f be a nonnormalized distribution (a funsor), and # consider operations in linear space (source code is in log space). # Let x0 ~ f/|f| be a monte carlo sample from a normalized f/|f|. # f(x0) / |f| # dice numerator # Let g = delta(x=x0) |f| ----------------- # detach(f(x0)/|f|) # dice denominator # |detach(f)| f(x0) # = delta(x=x0) ----------------- be a dice approximation of f. # detach(f(x0)) # Then g is an unbiased estimator of f in value and all derivatives. # In the special case f = detach(f), we can simplify to # g = delta(x=x0) |f|. if (backend == "torch" and flat_logits.requires_grad) or backend == "jax": # Apply a dice factor to preserve differentiability. index = [ops.new_arange(, n).reshape((n,) + (1,) * (len(flat_logits.shape) - i - 2)) for i, n in enumerate(flat_logits.shape[:-1])] index.append(flat_sample) log_prob = flat_logits[tuple(index)] assert log_prob.shape == flat_sample.shape results.append(Tensor(ops.logsumexp(ops.detach(flat_logits), -1) + (log_prob - ops.detach(log_prob)), sb_inputs)) else: # This is the special case f = detach(f). results.append(Tensor(ops.logsumexp(flat_logits, -1), batch_inputs)) return reduce(ops.add, results)
[docs] def new_arange(self, name, *args, **kwargs): """ Helper to create a named :func:`torch.arange` or :func:`np.arange` funsor. In some cases this can be replaced by a symbolic :class:`~funsor.terms.Slice` . :param str name: A variable name. :param int start: :param int stop: :param int step: Three args following :py:class:`slice` semantics. :param int dtype: An optional bounded integer type of this slice. :rtype: Tensor """ start = 0 step = 1 dtype = None if len(args) == 1: stop = args[0] dtype = kwargs.pop("dtype", stop) elif len(args) == 2: start, stop = args dtype = kwargs.pop("dtype", stop) elif len(args) == 3: start, stop, step = args dtype = kwargs.pop("dtype", stop) elif len(args) == 4: start, stop, step, dtype = args else: raise ValueError if step <= 0: raise ValueError stop = min(dtype, max(start, stop)) data = ops.new_arange(, start, stop, step) inputs = OrderedDict([(name, Bint[len(data)])]) return Tensor(data, inputs, dtype=dtype)
[docs] def materialize(self, x): """ Attempt to convert a Funsor to a :class:`~funsor.terms.Number` or :class:`Tensor` by substituting :func:`arange` s into its free variables. :arg Funsor x: A funsor. :rtype: Funsor """ assert isinstance(x, Funsor) if isinstance(x, (Number, Tensor)): return x subs = [] for name, domain in x.inputs.items(): if isinstance(domain.dtype, int): subs.append((name, self.new_arange(name, domain.dtype))) subs = tuple(subs) return substitute(x, subs)
@to_funsor.register(np.ndarray) @to_funsor.register(np.generic) def tensor_to_funsor(x, output=None, dim_to_name=None): if not dim_to_name: output = output if output is not None else Reals[x.shape] result = Tensor(x, dtype=output.dtype) if result.output != output: raise ValueError("Invalid shape: expected {}, actual {}" .format(output.shape, result.output.shape)) return result else: assert all(isinstance(k, int) and k < 0 and isinstance(v, str) for k, v in dim_to_name.items()) if output is None: # Assume the leftmost dim_to_name key refers to the leftmost dim of x # when there is ambiguity about event shape batch_ndims = min(-min(dim_to_name.keys()), len(x.shape)) output = Reals[x.shape[batch_ndims:]] # logic very similar to pyro.ops.packed.pack # this should not touch memory, only reshape # pack the tensor according to the dim => name mapping in inputs packed_inputs = OrderedDict() for dim, size in zip(range(len(x.shape) - len(output.shape)), x.shape): name = dim_to_name.get(dim + len(output.shape) - len(x.shape), None) if name is not None and size != 1: packed_inputs[name] = Bint[size] shape = tuple(d.size for d in packed_inputs.values()) + output.shape if x.shape != shape: x = x.reshape(shape) return Tensor(x, packed_inputs, dtype=output.dtype)
[docs]def align_tensor(new_inputs, x, expand=False): r""" Permute and add dims to a tensor to match desired ``new_inputs``. :param OrderedDict new_inputs: A target set of inputs. :param funsor.terms.Funsor x: A :class:`Tensor` or :class:`~funsor.terms.Number` . :param bool expand: If False (default), set result size to 1 for any input of ``x`` not in ``new_inputs``; if True expand to ``new_inputs`` size. :return: a number or :class:`torch.Tensor` or :class:`np.ndarray` that can be broadcast to other tensors with inputs ``new_inputs``. :rtype: int or float or torch.Tensor or np.ndarray """ assert isinstance(new_inputs, OrderedDict) assert isinstance(x, (Number, Tensor)) assert all(isinstance(d.dtype, int) for d in x.inputs.values()) data = if isinstance(x, Number): return data old_inputs = x.inputs if old_inputs == new_inputs: return data # Permute squashed input dims. x_keys = tuple(old_inputs) data = ops.permute(data, tuple(x_keys.index(k) for k in new_inputs if k in old_inputs) + tuple(range(len(old_inputs), len(data.shape)))) # Unsquash multivariate input dims by filling in ones. data = data.reshape(tuple(old_inputs[k].dtype if k in old_inputs else 1 for k in new_inputs) + x.output.shape) # Optionally expand new dims. if expand: data = ops.expand(data, tuple(d.dtype for d in new_inputs.values()) + x.output.shape) return data
[docs]def align_tensors(*args, **kwargs): r""" Permute multiple tensors before applying a broadcasted op. This is mainly useful for implementing eager funsor operations. :param funsor.terms.Funsor \*args: Multiple :class:`Tensor` s and :class:`~funsor.terms.Number` s. :param bool expand: Whether to expand input tensors. Defaults to False. :return: a pair ``(inputs, tensors)`` where tensors are all :class:`torch.Tensor` s or :class:`np.ndarray` s that can be broadcast together to a single data with given ``inputs``. :rtype: tuple """ expand = kwargs.pop('expand', False) assert not kwargs inputs = OrderedDict() for x in args: inputs.update(x.inputs) tensors = [align_tensor(inputs, x, expand=expand) for x in args] return inputs, tensors
@to_data.register(Tensor) def tensor_to_data(x, name_to_dim=None): if not name_to_dim or not x.inputs: if x.inputs: raise ValueError("cannot convert Tensor to data due to lazy inputs: {}".format(set(x.inputs))) return else: assert all(isinstance(k, str) and isinstance(v, int) and v < 0 for k, v in name_to_dim.items()) # logic very similar to pyro.ops.packed.unpack # first collapse input domains into single dimensions data = for d in x.inputs.values()) + x.output.shape) # permute packed dimensions to correct order unsorted_dims = [name_to_dim[name] for name in x.inputs] dims = sorted(unsorted_dims) permutation = [unsorted_dims.index(dim) for dim in dims] + \ list(range(len(dims), len(dims) + len(x.output.shape))) data = ops.permute(data, permutation) # expand batch_shape = [1] * -min(dims) for dim, size in zip(dims, data.shape): batch_shape[dim] = size return data.reshape(tuple(batch_shape) + x.output.shape) @eager.register(Binary, Op, Tensor, Number) def eager_binary_tensor_number(op, lhs, rhs): data = op(, return Tensor(data, lhs.inputs, lhs.dtype) @eager.register(Binary, Op, Number, Tensor) def eager_binary_number_tensor(op, lhs, rhs): data = op(, return Tensor(data, rhs.inputs, rhs.dtype) @eager.register(Binary, Op, Tensor, Tensor) def eager_binary_tensor_tensor(op, lhs, rhs): # Compute inputs and outputs. dtype = find_domain(op, lhs.output, rhs.output).dtype if lhs.inputs == rhs.inputs: inputs = lhs.inputs lhs_data, rhs_data =, else: inputs, (lhs_data, rhs_data) = align_tensors(lhs, rhs) # Reshape to support broadcasting of output shape. if inputs: lhs_dim = len(lhs.shape) rhs_dim = len(rhs.shape) if lhs_dim < rhs_dim: cut = len(lhs_data.shape) - lhs_dim shape = lhs_data.shape shape = shape[:cut] + (1,) * (rhs_dim - lhs_dim) + shape[cut:] lhs_data = lhs_data.reshape(shape) elif rhs_dim < lhs_dim: cut = len(rhs_data.shape) - rhs_dim shape = rhs_data.shape shape = shape[:cut] + (1,) * (lhs_dim - rhs_dim) + shape[cut:] rhs_data = rhs_data.reshape(shape) data = op(lhs_data, rhs_data) return Tensor(data, inputs, dtype) @eager.register(Binary, MatmulOp, Tensor, Tensor) def eager_binary_tensor_tensor(op, lhs, rhs): # Compute inputs and outputs. dtype = find_domain(op, lhs.output, rhs.output).dtype if lhs.inputs == rhs.inputs: inputs = lhs.inputs lhs_data, rhs_data =, else: inputs, (lhs_data, rhs_data) = align_tensors(lhs, rhs) if len(lhs.shape) == 1: lhs_data = ops.unsqueeze(lhs_data, -2) if len(rhs.shape) == 1: rhs_data = ops.unsqueeze(rhs_data, -1) # Reshape to support broadcasting of output shape. if inputs: lhs_dim = max(2, len(lhs.shape)) rhs_dim = max(2, len(rhs.shape)) if lhs_dim < rhs_dim: cut = len(lhs_data.shape) - lhs_dim shape = lhs_data.shape shape = shape[:cut] + (1,) * (rhs_dim - lhs_dim) + shape[cut:] lhs_data = lhs_data.reshape(shape) elif rhs_dim < lhs_dim: cut = len(rhs_data.shape) - rhs_dim shape = rhs_data.shape shape = shape[:cut] + (1,) * (lhs_dim - rhs_dim) + shape[cut:] rhs_data = rhs_data.reshape(shape) data = op(lhs_data, rhs_data) if len(lhs.shape) == 1: data = data.squeeze(-2) if len(rhs.shape) == 1: data = data.squeeze(-1) return Tensor(data, inputs, dtype) @eager.register(Unary, ReshapeOp, Tensor) def eager_reshape_tensor(op, arg): if arg.shape == op.shape: return arg batch_shape =[:len( - len(arg.shape)] data = + op.shape) return Tensor(data, arg.inputs, arg.dtype) @eager.register(Binary, GetitemOp, Tensor, Number) def eager_getitem_tensor_number(op, lhs, rhs): index = [slice(None)] * (len(lhs.inputs) + op.offset) index.append( index = tuple(index) data =[index] return Tensor(data, lhs.inputs, lhs.dtype) @eager.register(Binary, GetitemOp, Tensor, Variable) def eager_getitem_tensor_variable(op, lhs, rhs): assert op.offset < len(lhs.output.shape) assert rhs.output == Bint[lhs.output.shape[op.offset]] assert not in lhs.inputs # Convert a positional event dimension to a named batch dimension. inputs = lhs.inputs.copy() inputs[] = rhs.output data = target_dim = len(lhs.inputs) source_dim = target_dim + op.offset if target_dim != source_dim: perm = list(range(len(data.shape))) del perm[source_dim] perm.insert(target_dim, source_dim) data = ops.permute(data, perm) return Tensor(data, inputs, lhs.dtype) @eager.register(Binary, GetitemOp, Tensor, Tensor) def eager_getitem_tensor_tensor(op, lhs, rhs): assert op.offset < len(lhs.output.shape) assert rhs.output == Bint[lhs.output.shape[op.offset]] # Compute inputs and outputs. if lhs.inputs == rhs.inputs: inputs, lhs_data, rhs_data = lhs.inputs,, else: inputs, (lhs_data, rhs_data) = align_tensors(lhs, rhs) if len(lhs.output.shape) > 1: rhs_data = rhs_data.reshape(rhs_data.shape + (1,) * (len(lhs.output.shape) - 1)) # Perform advanced indexing. lhs_data_dim = len(lhs_data.shape) target_dim = lhs_data_dim - len(lhs.output.shape) + op.offset index = [None] * lhs_data_dim for i in range(target_dim): index[i] = ops.new_arange(lhs_data, lhs_data.shape[i]).reshape((-1,) + (1,) * (lhs_data_dim - i - 2)) index[target_dim] = rhs_data for i in range(1 + target_dim, lhs_data_dim): index[i] = ops.new_arange(lhs_data, lhs_data.shape[i]).reshape((-1,) + (1,) * (lhs_data_dim - i - 1)) data = lhs_data[tuple(index)] return Tensor(data, inputs, lhs.dtype) @eager.register(Lambda, Variable, Tensor) def eager_lambda(var, expr): inputs = expr.inputs.copy() if in inputs: inputs.pop( inputs[] = var.output data = align_tensor(inputs, expr) inputs.pop( else: data = shape = data.shape dim = len(shape) - len(expr.output.shape) data = data.reshape(shape[:dim] + (1,) + shape[dim:]) data = ops.expand(data, shape[:dim] + (var.dtype,) + shape[dim:]) return Tensor(data, inputs, expr.dtype) @dispatch(str, Variadic[Tensor]) def eager_stack_homogeneous(name, *parts): assert parts output = parts[0].output part_inputs = OrderedDict() for part in parts: assert part.output == output assert name not in part.inputs part_inputs.update(part.inputs) shape = tuple(d.size for d in part_inputs.values()) + output.shape data = ops.stack(0, *[ops.expand(align_tensor(part_inputs, part), shape) for part in parts]) inputs = OrderedDict([(name, Bint[len(parts)])]) inputs.update(part_inputs) return Tensor(data, inputs, dtype=output.dtype) @dispatch(str, str, Variadic[Tensor]) def eager_cat_homogeneous(name, part_name, *parts): assert parts output = parts[0].output inputs = OrderedDict([(part_name, None)]) for part in parts: assert part.output == output assert part_name in part.inputs inputs.update(part.inputs) tensors = [] for part in parts: inputs[part_name] = part.inputs[part_name] shape = tuple(d.size for d in inputs.values()) + output.shape tensors.append(ops.expand(align_tensor(inputs, part), shape)) del inputs[part_name] dim = 0 tensor =, *tensors) inputs = OrderedDict([(name, Bint[tensor.shape[dim]])] + list(inputs.items())) return Tensor(tensor, inputs, dtype=output.dtype) # TODO Move this to; it is no longer Tensor-specific.
[docs]class Function(Funsor): r""" Funsor wrapped by a native PyTorch or NumPy function. Functions are assumed to support broadcasting and can be eagerly evaluated on funsors with free variables of int type (i.e. batch dimensions). :class:`Function` s are usually created via the :func:`function` decorator. :param callable fn: A native PyTorch or NumPy function to wrap. :param type output: An output domain. :param Funsor args: Funsor arguments. """ def __init__(self, fn, output, args): assert callable(fn) assert not isinstance(fn, Function) assert isinstance(args, tuple) inputs = OrderedDict() for arg in args: assert isinstance(arg, Funsor) inputs.update(arg.inputs) super(Function, self).__init__(inputs, output) self.fn = fn self.args = args def __repr__(self): return '{}({}, {}, {})'.format(type(self).__name__, _nameof(self.fn), repr(self.output), repr(self.args)) def __str__(self): return '{}({}, {}, {})'.format(type(self).__name__, _nameof(self.fn), str(self.output), str(self.args))
@quote.register(Function) def _(arg, indent, out): out.append((indent, "Function({},".format(_nameof(arg.fn)))) quote.inplace(arg.output, indent + 1, out) i, line = out[-1] out[-1] = i, line + "," quote.inplace(arg.args, indent + 1, out) i, line = out[-1] out[-1] = i, line + ")" @eager.register(Function, object, ArrayType, tuple) def eager_function(fn, output, args): if not all(isinstance(arg, (Number, Tensor)) for arg in args): return None # defer to default implementation inputs, tensors = align_tensors(*args) data = fn(*tensors) result = Tensor(data, inputs, dtype=output.dtype) assert result.output == output return result def _select(fn, i, *args): result = fn(*args) assert isinstance(result, tuple) return result[i] def _nested_function(fn, args, output): if isinstance(output, ArrayType): return Function(fn, output, args) elif output.__origin__ in (tuple, Product, typing.Tuple): result = [] for i, output_i in enumerate(output.__args__): fn_i = functools.partial(_select, fn, i) fn_i.__name__ = "{}_{}".format(_nameof(fn), i) result.append(_nested_function(fn_i, args, output_i)) return Tuple(tuple(result)) raise ValueError("Invalid output: {}".format(output)) class _Memoized(object): def __init__(self, fn): self.fn = fn self._cache = None def __call__(self, *args): if self._cache is not None: old_args, old_result = self._cache if all(x is y for x, y in zip(args, old_args)): return old_result result = self.fn(*args) self._cache = args, result return result @property def __name__(self): return _nameof(self.fn) @property def __annotations__(self): return self.fn.__annotations__ def _function(inputs, output, fn): if is_nn_module(fn): names = getargspec(fn.forward)[0][1:] else: names = getargspec(fn)[0] if isinstance(inputs, dict): args = tuple(Variable(name, inputs[name]) for name in names if name in inputs) else: args = tuple(Variable(name, domain) for (name, domain) in zip(names, inputs)) assert len(args) == len(inputs) if not isinstance(output, ArrayType): assert output.__origin__ in (tuple, Product, typing.Tuple) # Memoize multiple-output functions so that invocations can be shared among # all outputs. This is not foolproof, but does work in simple situations. fn = _Memoized(fn) return _nested_function(fn, args, output) def _tuple_to_Tuple(tp): if isinstance(tp, tuple): warnings.warn("tuple types like (Real, Reals[2]) are deprecated, " "use Tuple[Real, Reals[2]] instead", DeprecationWarning) tp = tuple(map(_tuple_to_Tuple, tp)) return typing.Tuple[tp] return tp
[docs]def function(*signature): r""" Decorator to wrap a PyTorch/NumPy function, using either type hints or explicit type annotations. Example:: # Using type hints: @funsor.tensor.function def matmul(x: Reals[3, 4], y: Reals[4, 5]) -> Reals[3, 5]: return torch.matmul(x, y) # Using explicit type annotations: @funsor.tensor.function(Reals[3, 4], Reals[4, 5], Reals[3, 5]) def matmul(x, y): return torch.matmul(x, y) @funsor.tensor.function(Reals[10], Reals[10, 10], Reals[10], Real) def mvn_log_prob(loc, scale_tril, x): d = torch.distributions.MultivariateNormal(loc, scale_tril) return d.log_prob(x) To support functions that output nested tuples of tensors, specify a nested :py:class:`~typing.Tuple` of output types, for example:: @funsor.tensor.function def max_and_argmax(x: Reals[8]) -> Tuple[Real, Bint[8]]: return torch.max(x, dim=-1) :param \*signature: A sequence if input domains followed by a final output domain or nested tuple of output domains. """ assert signature if len(signature) == 1: fn = signature[0] if callable(fn) and not isinstance(fn, ArrayType): # Usage: @function inputs = typing.get_type_hints(fn) output = inputs.pop("return") assert all(isinstance(d, ArrayType) for d in inputs.values()) assert (isinstance(output, (ArrayType, tuple)) or output.__origin__ in (tuple, Product, typing.Tuple)) return _function(inputs, output, fn) # Usage @function(input1, ..., inputN, output) inputs, output = signature[:-1], signature[-1] output = _tuple_to_Tuple(output) assert all(isinstance(d, ArrayType) for d in inputs) assert (isinstance(output, (ArrayType, tuple)) or output.__origin__ in (tuple, Product, typing.Tuple)) return functools.partial(_function, inputs, output)
[docs]class Einsum(Funsor): """ Wrapper around :func:`torch.einsum` or :func:`np.einsum` to operate on real-valued Funsors. Note this operates only on the ``output`` tensor. To perform sum-product contractions on named dimensions, instead use ``+`` and :class:`~funsor.terms.Reduce`. :param str equation: An :func:`torch.einsum` or :func:`np.einsum` equation. :param tuple operands: A tuple of input funsors. """ def __init__(self, equation, operands): assert isinstance(equation, str) assert isinstance(operands, tuple) assert all(isinstance(x, Funsor) for x in operands) ein_inputs, ein_output = equation.split('->') ein_inputs = ein_inputs.split(',') size_dict = {} inputs = OrderedDict() assert len(ein_inputs) == len(operands) for ein_input, x in zip(ein_inputs, operands): assert x.dtype == 'real' inputs.update(x.inputs) assert len(ein_input) == len(x.output.shape) for name, size in zip(ein_input, x.output.shape): other_size = size_dict.setdefault(name, size) if other_size != size: raise ValueError("Size mismatch at {}: {} vs {}" .format(name, size, other_size)) output = Reals[tuple(size_dict[d] for d in ein_output)] super(Einsum, self).__init__(inputs, output) self.equation = equation self.operands = operands def __repr__(self): return 'Einsum({}, {})'.format(repr(self.equation), repr(self.operands)) def __str__(self): return 'Einsum({}, {})'.format(repr(self.equation), str(self.operands))
@eager.register(Einsum, str, tuple) def eager_einsum(equation, operands): if all(isinstance(x, Tensor) for x in operands): # Make new symbols for inputs of operands. inputs = OrderedDict() for x in operands: inputs.update(x.inputs) symbols = set(equation) get_symbol = iter(map(opt_einsum.get_symbol, itertools.count())) new_symbols = {} for k in inputs: symbol = next(get_symbol) while symbol in symbols: symbol = next(get_symbol) symbols.add(symbol) new_symbols[k] = symbol # Manually broadcast using einsum symbols. assert '.' not in equation ins, out = equation.split('->') ins = ins.split(',') ins = [''.join(new_symbols[k] for k in x.inputs) + x_out for x, x_out in zip(operands, ins)] out = ''.join(new_symbols[k] for k in inputs) + out equation = ','.join(ins) + '->' + out data = ops.einsum(equation, *[ for x in operands]) return Tensor(data, inputs) return None # defer to default implementation
[docs]def tensordot(x, y, dims): """ Wrapper around :func:`torch.tensordot` or :func:`np.tensordot` to operate on real-valued Funsors. Note this operates only on the ``output`` tensor. To perform sum-product contractions on named dimensions, instead use ``+`` and :class:`~funsor.terms.Reduce`. Arguments should satisfy:: len(x.shape) >= dims len(y.shape) >= dims dims == 0 or x.shape[-dims:] == y.shape[:dims] :param Funsor x: A left hand argument. :param Funsor y: A y hand argument. :param int dims: The number of dimension of overlap of output shape. :rtype: Funsor """ assert dims >= 0 assert len(x.shape) >= dims assert len(y.shape) >= dims assert dims == 0 or x.shape[-dims:] == y.shape[:dims] x_start, x_end = 0, len(x.output.shape) y_start = x_end - dims y_end = y_start + len(y.output.shape) symbols = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' equation = '{},{}->{}'.format(symbols[x_start:x_end], symbols[y_start:y_end], symbols[x_start:y_start] + symbols[x_end:y_end]) return Einsum(equation, (x, y))
[docs]def stack(parts, dim=0): """ Wrapper around :func:`torch.stack` or :func:`np.stack` to operate on real-valued Funsors. Note this operates only on the ``output`` tensor. To stack funsors in a new named dim, instead use :class:`~funsor.terms.Stack`. :param tuple parts: A tuple of funsors. :param int dim: A torch dim along which to stack. :rtype: Funsor """ assert isinstance(dim, int) assert isinstance(parts, tuple) assert len(set(x.output for x in parts)) == 1 shape = parts[0].output.shape if dim >= 0: dim = dim - len(shape) - 1 assert dim < 0 split = dim + len(shape) + 1 shape = shape[:split] + (len(parts),) + shape[split:] output = Array[parts[0].dtype, shape] fn = functools.partial(ops.stack, dim) return Function(fn, output, parts)
REDUCE_OP_TO_NUMERIC = { ops.add: ops.sum, ops.mul:, ops.and_: ops.all, ops.or_: ops.any, ops.logaddexp: ops.logsumexp, ops.sample: ops.logsumexp, ops.min: ops.amin, ops.max: ops.amax, } __all__ = [ 'Einsum', 'Function', 'REDUCE_OP_TO_NUMERIC', 'Tensor', 'align_tensor', 'align_tensors', 'function', 'ignore_jit_warnings', 'stack', 'tensordot', ]