Example: Talbot’s method for numerical inversion of the Laplace transform

import argparse
import math

import torch

import funsor
import funsor.ops as ops
from funsor.adam import Adam
from funsor.domains import Real
from funsor.factory import Bound, Fresh, Has, make_funsor
from funsor.interpretations import StatefulInterpretation
from funsor.tensor import Tensor
from funsor.terms import Funsor, Variable
from funsor.util import get_backend

def InverseLaplace(
    F: Has[{"s"}], t: Funsor, s: Bound  # noqa: F821
) -> Fresh[lambda F: F]:
    Inverse Laplace transform of function F(s).

    There is no closed-form solution for arbitrary F(s). However, we can
    resort to numerical approximations which we store in new interpretations.
    For example, see Talbot's method below.

    :param F: function of s.
    :param t: times at which to evaluate the inverse Laplace transformation of F.
    :param s: s Variable.
    return None

class Talbot(StatefulInterpretation):
    Talbot's method for numerical inversion of the Laplace transform.

    Abate, Joseph, and Ward Whitt. "A Unified Framework for Numerically
    Inverting Laplace Transforms." INFORMS Journal of Computing, vol. 18.4
    (2006): 408-421. Print. (http://www.columbia.edu/~ww2040/allpapers.html)

    Implementation here is adapted from the MATLAB implementation of the algorithm by
    Tucker McClure (2021). Numerical Inverse Laplace Transform
    MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved April 4, 2021.

    :param num_steps: number of terms to sum for each t.

    def __init__(self, num_steps):
        self.num_steps = num_steps

@Talbot.register(InverseLaplace, Funsor, Funsor, Variable)
def talbot(self, F, t, s):
    if get_backend() == "torch":
        import torch

        k = torch.arange(1, self.num_steps)
        delta = torch.zeros(self.num_steps, dtype=torch.complex64)
        delta[0] = 2 * self.num_steps / 5
        delta[1:] = (
            2 * math.pi / 5 * k * (1 / (math.pi / self.num_steps * k).tan() + 1j)

        gamma = torch.zeros(self.num_steps, dtype=torch.complex64)
        gamma[0] = 0.5 * delta[0].exp()
        gamma[1:] = (
            + 1j
            * math.pi
            / self.num_steps
            * k
            * (1 + 1 / (math.pi / self.num_steps * k).tan() ** 2)
            - 1j / (math.pi / self.num_steps * k).tan()
        ) * delta[1:].exp()

        delta = Tensor(delta)["num_steps"]
        gamma = Tensor(gamma)["num_steps"]
        ilt = 0.4 / t * (gamma * F(**{s.name: delta / t})).reduce(ops.add, "num_steps")

        return Tensor(ilt.data.real, ilt.inputs)
        raise NotImplementedError(f"Unsupported backend {get_backend()}")

def main(args):
    Reference for the n-step sequential model used here:

    Aaron L. Lucius et al (2003).
    "General Methods for Analysis of Sequential ‘‘n-step’’ Kinetic Mechanisms:
    Application to Single Turnover Kinetics of Helicase-Catalyzed DNA Unwinding"


    # Problem definition.
    true_rate = 20
    true_nsteps = 4
    rate = Variable("rate", Real)
    nsteps = Variable("nsteps", Real)
    s = Variable("s", Real)
    time = Tensor(torch.arange(0.04, 1.04, 0.04))["timepoint"]
    noise = Tensor(torch.randn(time.inputs["timepoint"].size))["timepoint"] / 500
    data = (
        Tensor(1 - torch.igammac(torch.tensor(true_nsteps), true_rate * time.data))[
        + noise
    F = rate ** nsteps / (s * (rate + s) ** nsteps)
    # Inverse Laplace.
    pred = InverseLaplace(F, time, "s")

    # Loss function.
    loss = (pred - data).abs().reduce(ops.add, "timepoint")
    init_params = {
        "rate": Tensor(torch.tensor(5.0, requires_grad=True)),
        "nsteps": Tensor(torch.tensor(2.0, requires_grad=True)),

    with Talbot(num_steps=args.talbot_num_steps):
        # Fit the data
        with Adam(
        ) as optim:
            loss.reduce(ops.min, {"rate", "nsteps"})
        # Fitted curve.
        fitted_curve = pred(rate=optim.param("rate"), nsteps=optim.param("nsteps"))

    print(f"Fit curve\n{fitted_curve}")
    print(f"True rate\n{true_rate}")
    print("Learned rate\n{}".format(optim.param("rate").item()))
    print(f"True number of steps\n{true_nsteps}")
    print("Learned number of steps\n{}".format(optim.param("nsteps").item()))

if __name__ == "__main__":
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description="Numerical inversion of the Laplace transform using Talbot's method"
    parser.add_argument("-N", "--talbot-num-steps", type=int, default=32)
    parser.add_argument("-n", "--num-steps", type=int, default=501)
    parser.add_argument("-lr", "--learning-rate", type=float, default=0.1)
    parser.add_argument("--log-every", type=int, default=20)
    args = parser.parse_args()

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