# Copyright Contributors to the Pyro project.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import copyreg
import functools
import inspect
import operator
import warnings
from functools import reduce
from weakref import WeakValueDictionary
import funsor.ops as ops
from funsor.ops.builtin import parse_ellipsis, parse_slice
from funsor.util import broadcast_shape, get_backend, get_tracing_state, quote
Domain = type
class ArrayType(Domain):
Base class of array-like domains.
_type_cache = WeakValueDictionary()
def __getitem__(cls, dtype_shape):
dtype, shape = dtype_shape
assert dtype is not None
assert shape is not None
# in some JAX versions, shape can be np.int64 type
if get_tracing_state() or get_backend() == "jax":
if dtype not in (None, "real"):
dtype = int(dtype)
if shape is not None:
shape = tuple(map(int, shape))
assert cls.dtype in (None, dtype)
assert cls.shape in (None, shape)
key = dtype, shape
result = ArrayType._type_cache.get(key, None)
if result is None:
if dtype == "real":
assert all(isinstance(size, int) and size >= 0 for size in shape)
name = (
"Reals[{}]".format(",".join(map(str, shape))) if shape else "Real"
result = RealsType(name, (), {"shape": shape})
elif isinstance(dtype, int):
assert dtype >= 0
name = "Bint[{}]".format(",".join(map(str, (dtype,) + shape)))
result = BintType(name, (), {"dtype": dtype, "shape": shape})
raise ValueError("invalid dtype: {}".format(dtype))
ArrayType._type_cache[key] = result
return result
def __subclasscheck__(cls, subcls):
if not isinstance(subcls, ArrayType):
return False
if cls.dtype not in (None, subcls.dtype):
return False
if cls.shape not in (None, subcls.shape):
return False
return True
def __repr__(cls):
return cls.__name__
def __str__(cls):
return cls.__name__
def num_elements(cls):
return reduce(operator.mul, cls.shape, 1)
def is_concrete(cls):
# FIXME this should simply be isinstance(cls, Domain)
return cls.dtype is not None and cls.shape is not None
[docs]class BintType(ArrayType):
def __getitem__(cls, size_shape):
if isinstance(size_shape, tuple):
size, shape = size_shape[0], size_shape[1:]
size, shape = size_shape, ()
return super().__getitem__((size, shape))
def __subclasscheck__(cls, subcls):
if not isinstance(subcls, BintType):
return False
if cls.dtype not in (None, subcls.dtype):
return False
if cls.shape not in (None, subcls.shape):
return False
return True
def size(cls):
return cls.dtype
def __iter__(cls):
from funsor.terms import Number
return (Number(i, cls.size) for i in range(cls.size))
[docs]class RealsType(ArrayType):
dtype = "real"
def __getitem__(cls, shape):
if not isinstance(shape, tuple):
shape = (shape,)
return super().__getitem__(("real", shape))
def __subclasscheck__(cls, subcls):
if not isinstance(subcls, RealsType):
return False
if cls.dtype not in (None, subcls.dtype):
return False
if cls.shape not in (None, subcls.shape):
return False
return True
def _pickle_array(cls):
if cls in (Array, Bint, Real, Reals):
return cls.__name__
return operator.getitem, (Array, (cls.dtype, cls.shape))
copyreg.pickle(ArrayType, _pickle_array)
copyreg.pickle(BintType, _pickle_array)
copyreg.pickle(RealsType, _pickle_array)
class Array(metaclass=ArrayType):
Generic factory for :class:`Reals` or :class:`Bint`.
Arary["real", (3, 3)] = Reals[3, 3]
Array["real", ()] = Real
dtype = None
shape = None
[docs]class Bint(metaclass=BintType):
Factory for bounded integer types::
Bint[5] # integers ranging in {0,1,2,3,4}
Bint[2, 3, 3] # 3x3 matrices with entries in {0,1}
dtype = None
shape = None
[docs]class Reals(metaclass=RealsType):
Type of a real-valued array with known shape::
Reals[()] = Real # scalar
Reals[8] # vector of length 8
Reals[3, 3] # 3x3 matrix
shape = None
Real = Reals[()]
[docs]def reals(*args):
"reals(...) is deprecated, use Real or Reals[...] instead", DeprecationWarning
return Reals[args]
[docs]def bint(size):
warnings.warn("bint(...) is deprecated, use Bint[...] instead", DeprecationWarning)
return Bint[size]
class ProductDomain(Domain):
_type_cache = WeakValueDictionary()
def __getitem__(cls, arg_domains):
return ProductDomain._type_cache[arg_domains]
except KeyError:
assert isinstance(arg_domains, tuple)
assert all(isinstance(arg_domain, Domain) for arg_domain in arg_domains)
subcls = type("Product_", (Product,), {"__args__": arg_domains})
ProductDomain._type_cache[arg_domains] = subcls
return subcls
def __repr__(cls):
return "Product[{}]".format(", ".join(map(repr, cls.__args__)))
def __origin__(cls):
return Product
def shape(cls):
return (len(cls.__args__),)
class Product(tuple, metaclass=ProductDomain):
"""like typing.Tuple, but works with issubclass"""
__args__ = NotImplemented
class DependentMeta(type):
def __getitem__(cls, fn):
return cls(fn)
[docs]class Dependent(metaclass=DependentMeta):
Type hint for dependently type-decorated functions.
Dependent[Real] # a constant known domain
Dependent[lambda x: Array[x.dtype, x.shape[1:]] # args are Domains
Dependent[lambda x, y: Bint[x.size + y.size]]
:param callable fn: A lambda taking named arguments (in any order)
which will be filled in with the domain of the similarly named
funsor argument to the decorated function. This lambda should
compute a desired resulting domain given domains of arguments.
def __init__(self, fn):
function = type(lambda: None)
self.fn = fn if isinstance(fn, function) else lambda: fn
self.args = inspect.getfullargspec(fn)[0]
def __call__(self, **kwargs):
return self.fn(*map(kwargs.__getitem__, self.args))
# Function registration
def find_domain(op, *domains):
Finds the :class:`Domain` resulting when applying ``op`` to ``domains``.
:param callable op: An operation.
:param Domain \*domains: One or more input domains.
raise NotImplementedError
def _find_domain_pointwise_unary_generic(op, domain):
if isinstance(domain, ArrayType):
return Array[domain.dtype, domain.shape]
raise NotImplementedError
def _find_domain_astype(op, domain):
if op.defaults["dtype"] in ("float", "double", "float32", "float64"):
dtype = "real"
elif op.defaults["dtype"] in ("bool"):
dtype = 2
elif op.defaults["dtype"] in ("int", "int8", "int16", "int32", "int64", "uint8"):
dtype = domain.dtype
raise NotImplementedError
return Array[dtype, domain.shape]
def _find_domain_log_exp(op, domain):
return Array["real", domain.shape]
def _find_domain_reduction(op, domain):
# Canonicalize dim.
dim = op.defaults.get("dim", None)
ndims = len(domain.shape)
if dim is None:
dims = set(range(ndims))
elif isinstance(dim, int):
dims = {dim % ndims}
dims = {i % ndims for i in dim}
# Compute shape.
if op.defaults.get("keepdims", False):
shape = tuple(1 if i in dims else domain.shape[i] for i in range(ndims))
shape = tuple(domain.shape[i] for i in range(ndims) if i not in dims)
# Compute domain.
if op.name in ("all", "any"):
dtype = 2
elif domain.dtype == "real":
dtype = "real"
raise NotImplementedError("TODO")
return Array[dtype, shape]
def _find_domain_reshape(op, domain):
return Array[domain.dtype, op.defaults["shape"]]
def _find_domain_getitem(op, lhs_domain, rhs_domain):
if isinstance(lhs_domain, ArrayType):
offset = op.defaults["offset"]
dtype = lhs_domain.dtype
shape = lhs_domain.shape[:offset] + lhs_domain.shape[1 + offset :]
return Array[dtype, shape]
elif isinstance(lhs_domain, ProductDomain):
# XXX should this return a Union?
raise NotImplementedError(
"Cannot statically infer domain from: " f"{lhs_domain}[{rhs_domain}]"
def _find_domain_getslice(op, domain):
index = op.defaults["index"]
if isinstance(domain, ArrayType):
dtype = domain.dtype
shape = list(domain.shape)
left, right = parse_ellipsis(index)
i = 0
for part in left:
if part is None:
shape.insert(i, 1)
i += 1
elif isinstance(part, int):
del shape[i]
elif isinstance(part, slice):
start, stop, step = parse_slice(part, shape[i])
shape[i] = max(0, (stop - start + step - 1) // step)
i += 1
raise ValueError(part)
i = -1
for part in reversed(right):
if part is None:
shape.insert(len(shape) + i + 1, 1)
i -= 1
elif isinstance(part, int):
del shape[i]
elif isinstance(part, slice):
start, stop, step = parse_slice(part, shape[i])
shape[i] = max(0, (stop - start + step - 1) // step)
i -= 1
raise ValueError(part)
return Array[dtype, tuple(shape)]
if isinstance(domain, ProductDomain):
if isinstance(index, tuple):
assert len(index) == 1
index = index[0]
if isinstance(index, int):
return domain.__args__[index]
elif isinstance(index, slice):
return Product[domain.__args__[index]]
raise ValueError(index)
raise NotImplementedError("TODO")
def _find_domain_pointwise_binary_generic(op, lhs, rhs):
if (
isinstance(lhs, ArrayType)
and isinstance(rhs, ArrayType)
and lhs.dtype == rhs.dtype
return Array[lhs.dtype, broadcast_shape(lhs.shape, rhs.shape)]
raise NotImplementedError("TODO")
def _find_domain_comparison(op, lhs, rhs):
if isinstance(lhs, ArrayType) and isinstance(rhs, ArrayType):
return Array[2, broadcast_shape(lhs.shape, rhs.shape)]
raise NotImplementedError("TODO")
def _find_domain_floordiv(op, lhs, rhs):
if isinstance(lhs, ArrayType) and isinstance(rhs, ArrayType):
shape = broadcast_shape(lhs.shape, rhs.shape)
if isinstance(lhs.dtype, int) and isinstance(rhs.dtype, int):
size = (lhs.size - 1) // (rhs.size - 1) + 1
return Array[size, shape]
if lhs.dtype == "real" and rhs.dtype == "real":
return Reals[shape]
raise NotImplementedError("TODO")
def _find_domain_mod(op, lhs, rhs):
if isinstance(lhs, ArrayType) and isinstance(rhs, ArrayType):
shape = broadcast_shape(lhs.shape, rhs.shape)
if isinstance(lhs.dtype, int) and isinstance(rhs.dtype, int):
dtype = max(0, rhs.dtype - 1)
return Array[dtype, shape]
if lhs.dtype == "real" and rhs.dtype == "real":
return Reals[shape]
raise NotImplementedError("TODO")
def _find_domain_matmul(op, lhs, rhs):
assert lhs.shape and rhs.shape
if len(rhs.shape) == 1:
assert lhs.shape[-1] == rhs.shape[-1]
shape = lhs.shape[:-1]
elif len(lhs.shape) == 1:
assert lhs.shape[-1] == rhs.shape[-2]
shape = rhs.shape[:-2] + rhs.shape[-1:]
assert lhs.shape[-1] == rhs.shape[-2]
shape = broadcast_shape(lhs.shape[:-1], rhs.shape[:-2] + (1,)) + rhs.shape[-1:]
return Reals[shape]
def _find_domain_associative_generic(op, *domains):
assert 1 <= len(domains) <= 2
if len(domains) == 1:
return Array[domains[0].dtype, ()]
lhs, rhs = domains
if lhs.dtype == "real" or rhs.dtype == "real":
dtype = "real"
elif op in (ops.add, ops.mul, ops.pow, ops.max, ops.min):
dtype = op(lhs.dtype - 1, rhs.dtype - 1) + 1
elif op in (ops.and_, ops.or_, ops.xor):
dtype = 2
elif lhs.dtype == rhs.dtype:
dtype = lhs.dtype
raise NotImplementedError("TODO")
shape = broadcast_shape(lhs.shape, rhs.shape)
return Array[dtype, shape]
def _transform_find_domain(op, domain):
fn = op.defaults["fn"]
shape = fn.forward_shape(domain.shape)
return Array[domain.dtype, shape]
def _transform_log_abs_det_jacobian(op, domain, codomain):
# TODO do we need to handle batch shape here?
return Real
def _find_domain_stack(op, parts):
shape = broadcast_shape(*(x.shape for x in parts))
dim = op.defaults["dim"]
if dim >= 0:
dim = dim - len(shape) - 1
assert dim < 0
split = dim + len(shape) + 1
shape = shape[:split] + (len(parts),) + shape[split:]
output = Array[parts[0].dtype, shape]
return output
def _find_domain_cat(op, parts):
dim = op.defaults["axis"]
if dim >= 0:
event_dims = {len(x.shape) for x in parts}
assert len(event_dims) == 1, "undefined"
dim = dim - next(iter(event_dims))
assert dim < 0
shape = broadcast_shape(*(x.shape[:dim] for x in parts))
shape += (sum(x.shape[dim] for x in parts),)
if dim < -1:
shape += broadcast_shape(*(x.shape[dim + 1 :] for x in parts))
output = Array[parts[0].dtype, shape]
return output
def _find_domain_einsum(op, operands):
equation = op.defaults["equation"]
ein_inputs, ein_output = equation.split("->")
ein_inputs = ein_inputs.split(",")
size_dict = {}
for ein_input, x in zip(ein_inputs, operands):
assert x.dtype == "real"
assert len(ein_input) == len(x.shape)
for name, size in zip(ein_input, x.shape):
other_size = size_dict.setdefault(name, size)
if other_size != size:
raise ValueError(
"Size mismatch at {}: {} vs {}".format(name, size, other_size)
return Reals[tuple(size_dict[d] for d in ein_output)]
__all__ = [